Thank you for stepping up with the Center for Common Ground!  Please complete this form so we can quickly engage you in taking action!  

And look for your Regional Organizer here - please introduce yourself to them to connect to local activities and networks!

We are also supporting our Democracy Centers in key states to help local communities with voting rights, community wealth building, energy democracy and resiliency, and power building.  

And we have weekly national training webinar series open to all volunteers.  Sign up for events at


Phone Banks

Georgia and Virginia Congressional Primaries

In December 2023, a judge confirmed the new redrawing of districts in Georgia by the legislature, which was required due to the previous districts being ruled unconstitutional. However, due to the ambiguity of the previous court ruling, the new maps did not create additional Black-majority districts but rather replaced the existing ones. Because of this, we are focusing our calls into GA CD 6 and GA CD11.

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