The Center for Common Ground

We educate and empower voters of color in voter suppression states.

Together, we can build a democracy that prioritizes the voices of ALL people.


Since 2020, we have contacted over 23 million voters with election information.

14.3 million
Postcards Written
7 million
Text Messages
2.25 million
Phone Calls
Democracy Centers

Who we are

The Center for Common Ground is non-partisan, Black and women-led voting rights organization founded in 2018. We work in voter suppression states where more than 20% of voters are voters of color – Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas.

We know that democracy works best when everyone is invited to participate in it. Unfortunately, there is a stark contrast in whose voices get prioritized in elections. At the Center for Common Ground our goal is to ensure every voter knows their voice and their votes matter.

Collaborating with local partners, we strive to mobilize ALL voters of color, both those who consistently participate in elections and those who have yet to exercise their right to vote.

Get involved

Join the Center for Common Ground email list. Get updates on exciting events, training opportunities, and more.


Let's expand our impact! Join the Center for Common Ground as a partner organization.


Our Campaigns

Center for Common Ground Postcard

Reclaim Our Vote

Reclaim Our Vote is a grassroots, campaign focused on increasing BIPOC voter turnout through postcarding, texting, and phonebanking.

Democracy Center

Democracy Centers

Democracy Centers are located in BIPOC communities where more than 55% of eligible voters don't vote to provide year-round civic engagement.

Students for Justice Interns

Students for Voting Justice

Students for Voting Justice (SVJ) is a paid internship program that engages college students in the struggle to fight systemic voter suppression and to turn out the vote.


Take Action

Make Phone Calls

Join our phone bank team to get election information to voters!

Make Calls


Send postcards with election information to Black voters! Check out the postcard page to connect with your regional organizer.

Write Postcards

Text Voters

Join our texting team to get election information to voters!

Send Texts

Check out this video discussing our impactful work and celebrating Andrea Miller, Founding Board Member of the Center for Common Ground, on The View!